Global Session Administrator
Please allow ability to set a global session admin, or at least the account admin, to take over or transfer ownership of org sessions. If a session creator is unavailable, there is no way to take over the session. If someone goes on vacation and forgets to set full control permissions to another, we have not choice but to…
Moving the Revu window
Suggestion: Always leave a blank space in the Revu top menu bar so the window can be dragged no matter the window width. When the Account Information is slid over to the Help box, there's no way to move the Revu window without widening it first. Thanks
Application Boarder on Dark Theme Not Visible
Hi, I’ve noticed that when using the dark theme on Windows and the Bluebeam app, the application’s border is not visible, making it difficult to identify and grab the edge to adjust the window size. Could you consider adding a thin white or grey border line for better visibility? Please see the attached images for…
Integrate Bluebeam Studio with OneDrive
Integrating Bluebeam Studio with OneDrive would help keep Studio folders up to date and minimize double entry. For people who work primarily in OneDrive and post/share files (such as RFIs) using Studio, integrating the two systems would eliminate the need to save an RFI to a OneDrive folder and a Studio folder.
Search Project / Sessions Job Names
As our Project List on Studio increases, so does the time it takes to find a project. Would be super handy to have a search at the top of the projects list, not for files inside the projects, just for the Project names. I am sure the same would be helpful with Sessions, although we don't use those as much on our end.
Keyboard shortcut for changing font size
suggest adding a keyboard shortcut to increase and decrease font size, or at least provide this command so that we can map to whatever shortcut that we want. I find myself quite often need to change the font size for different types of markups, and on pdf that have different page sizes, a shortcut will be useful.
ipad external camera option
Why aren't there tools to create floor plans?
I often need to draw floor plans. This seems like an important tool that should be a given, right? Anyways, I would love that feature…
Use ENTER key to select checkboxes in Search
I use text and graphical search for counting and have to filter through 100s and sometimes 1000+ results in a single search. Using the arrow keys to scroll up/down the list works great but it would be even better if I could tap ENTER to check or uncheck the selected result. Instead I have to use the left mouse button which…
Offer an ability to disable all cloud/collaborate/studio functionality
In industries like government or health work, there are very intensive security requirements for what we need in a cloud provider in order to use them. Bluebeam does not meet our requirements, and it would be nice to have an easy way to block studio/collab administratively without needing to implement firewall or DNS…
Dimension Text Box Fill
Switching the fill colour to effect the text box rather than the arrow would be a great change for those of us doing massive takeoffs. Often the text boxes are very difficult to read in their current form, and this is my main use for Revu. Potentially a simple change to make? Cheers - I do love the product!
Allow Changes to Permissions Per Document
Permissions are currently set per session (or group/person in the session). I recommend the capability of allowing permission changes to individual documents to deviate from the session permissions. E.g. I have an old document with markups I want to keep loaded on the session for reference, but do not want others to edit…
Fix maximized window overlap
Revu Multi-Select Add & Remove
Ability to keep adding too or remove from a selection when using Click+Drag & Lasso selecting commands. The shortcuts show a Multi-Select option using Shift+Left-Click+Drag which only allows you to use it while using other commands which the Right-Click+Drag command already does. I believe the Shift+Click+Drag should be…
Bluebeam Cloud, My Workspace tools to manage files
Hello, Could you please advise where I can find the tools to manage files in my workspace (Bluebeam Cloud)? I have over 600 files stored in my workspace, and I cannot find any tool to search for files, create folders, or navigate these files effectively. I am finding it very difficult to believe that your company has the…