I need to trace out many irregular polygon areas (phase work areas) from one plan sheet of one scale and paste them onto another sheet (which shows specific work types of all phases, but not the phasing) of a different scale. The scale is set on each sheet. Once the markup is copied, there seems to be no way to specifically resize the markup to the second sheet's scale as there is with the snapshot feature. You can arbitrarily drag the corner of the bounding box or change width or height (but they're not linked to maintain aspect ratio). I tried to use the snapshot feature instead given that it lets you trace out a specific shape. I thought I would just use the outline feature once pasted and drop the opacity to zero but the outline created is for a bounding rectangle, not the specific shape. I would use the snapshot feature but due to the shading and hatching on the different drawings this makes things less than clear. I see in online help pages the option to rescale tool markups but these are all unique polygon shapes so that seems like a poor workaround to make each a tool.