When marking on pdfs I often need several different types of text, leaders, lines, etc. It slows me down to have to go to the toolbox each time to switch back and forth for commonly used things. It would be really helpful if the user could just hit the shortcut key more than once to cycle through multiple saved default format options. Having 2 to 4 options should be sufficient.
Add a submenu when right clicking on a markup to "Set As Default >" to "Format 1 | Format 2 | Format 3 | Format 4" (or similar). Then when the user hits the shortcut key such as "T" for text, the first click uses for Format 1, and each time "T" is subsequently pressed it cycles to the next Format option that is set. So a user presses "T" and marks up some text using Format 1, then presses "T" "T" and marks up some text using Format 2. Flash a tooltip or status bar message indicating what Format option number is current.