Lost mark-ups

User: "jabrittain"
Updated by jabrittain

I am having an issue where when I save, mark-ups just disappear before my eyes. I do a save after every sheet of mark-ups, and at random, every mark up I did just disappears. What is strange is that they still appear in the mark-up list, but that does me no good. I have tried exporting and reimporting the markups, doesn't work, they are not hidden, they are not on a layer. This just started happening after I upgraded to 21.5. and ironically i upgraded to 21.5 because I started getting multiple random crashes a day. Now no crashes, but this is even more frustrating. Any clues on how to stop it, or to transfer the markup list back on to the sheet.

edit: i just closed and reopened, the mark-up list is now gone, so there is no hope of recovering them from there. All mark-ups are just gone.

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