Please include an easier way to export all the e-mail addresses from a session. Even the ones who have not joined.
Thanks @swatzman, could you share anymore about how this will save you time and effort?
This will save time when we need to send e-mails to the team to get action. A lot of these sessions have large amounts of people that join over time. It would like life easier if there was a way to e-mail them, even if that's inside bluebeam like inviting to a session but sending a message. The chat feature inside the sessions is not useful but if that was expanded it could serve the same purpose.
Please add the ability to allow some users to edit/delete other peoples comments. This can be controlled through permissions. At our organisation when reviewing drawings there is a review manager that consolidates comments before sending them back. This process occurs regardless of if we are using Bluebeam or another tool.…
Add folders for studio sessions to organize the list of recent Studio sessions. Some of our clients utilize one Studio session per deliverable on large projects that have multiple reviewers. It can be quite a task to find the one studio session for a smaller project amidst the rows and rows of studio sessions per…
With more people using bluebeam as a CAD/drawing program. It would be nice if bullet points/numbers points with auto text indent was a feature.
It would be helpful to have an autosave function for PDFs being used in Revu. Currently this does not exist and would be very beneficial.
I hope you're doing well. I'm reaching out because I have a couple of suggestions that I think could make Bluebeam even better. First off, I've been really impressed with the new ARM-based Windows machines, especially those using the Snapdragon Elite X. They’re powerful, have great battery life—kind of like MacBooks in…
It would be a huge time saver to have keyboard shortcuts for assigning markup statuses. Numerous workflows (e.g. QA/QC and design reviews, punch/back-check) involve multiple status changes for markups, and often times there are multiple statuses (or state models) to choose from. On large projects, with 100's if not 1,000's…
It would be great be able to see to whom and when the "alert attendee" has been done. Today you can see exactly who and when markups has been accepted but there are no info at all if a markup has been alerted to someone.