If-then formulas for Custom Columns
Hello, I'm pricing a job that has both LF measurements for wall base and Wall Area measurements for wall panels. I currently have a formula calculating Raw Material Cost (custom column) which is: Measurement * Material. I have multiple other columns building off this value to add various other data. (Mark-up on material,…
Navigating between cells in the markups list using the keyboard directional arrows?
Is anyone aware of a setting that will allow me to navigate between cells in the markups list with the directional arrows, tab key, or enter/return button on the keyboard similar to inputting data in excel? We sometimes use the Markups list to collect additional data from drawings and it can be slightly laborious when…
I added a custom notes column (text input) but can't edit the text
When i try to edit the text by double clicking into the "Notes" column i created, an autofill box appears and i can't edit text. This is frustrating. Does anyone have an idea of how to fix this?
Markups list not accepting text input
Hey guys! Got a coworker who's having issues being able to input text into a text based custom column. When he goes through the properties panel it lets him edit the property to his heart's content. The problem is that in his workflow he usually makes those changes through the markups list instead but it suddenly stopped…
Custom Column Choice Order
Did they remove the ability to organize customs columns by alphabetical order? There use to be a button you could press and it would do it for you automatically but it is gone now. If I press item it will organize it like before but it will not save it. Anyone having the same issue?
Coordinate Export - Lines/Misc.
Hi, I would like to request the functionality to export the points of lines created by the mark-up tool. (Currently only the begin point is available, but both start and end points are needed.) I see the end point coordinates are available in the properties, but there is not currently a way to export that data. This would…
Custom Columns Copy/Paste or Drag down data
I am in the HVAC industry doing test and balance of commercial HVAC systems. We mark up prints with custom tools, number diffusers in the order we read them. We input the into custom columns the following; Room number and name (text input) Diffuser number. (text input) CFM value. (number value) Diffuser size. (Choice with…
Is there a way to Convert Counts to Markups?
I've been trying to find a way to translate Counts to markups. I suggested it as an Idea in the Community, but has either gotten ignored or assumingly there may be already a way to do this. To get a better understanding on why I'm trying to chase the following: I work as a Project Engineering for an Electrical…
custom column formula help
I'm looking to automate a custom column (or columns) by grouping 2-4 dimensions, and then having the total show up in the 'width' column (figured this part out) but having the individual dimensions separately show up in another column. ie, the example here is 4 dimensions, they are grouped together with a total width of…
Ways to edit markups in Excel, or potentially link with Excel?
My team regularly receives markups from clients that come in two files, one a PDF with a callout such as 'C-001' and then an Excel sheet that will list 'C-001' with test in the adjoining column. Now this is just a frustration on our end and something the clients will not budge on. I am curious if there is a way to bring…
Text Extraction and Combination Tool
The proposed feature would allow users to extract text from a designated selection box in the same section of each page within a document. Additionally, it would provide the capability to combine and extract these selections into a single, consolidated text output.
Ability to turn off and On as needed the Custom Columns in the Column Display Order.
Hello, For some reason I member back in later versions of Revu, we were able to turn off and On as needed the Custom Columns in the Column Display Order. However, lately I have seen we are unable to do that anymore. Being able to do this allows my team the freedom to customize their work. Depending on what they are working…
Choice Custom Column Options
It would be great for choice items to be able to be assigned multiple subjects so they appear for different markup subjects not only one. It would also be very useful to have secondary or tertiary options to have choice items appear based on other selections, not just subject.
Uncheck Custom Columns in Column Display Order
Hello, Lately I have not been able to Uncheck the Custom Column Check box's in the Column Display Order. I am able to Check and Uncheck the Built-In but, Not the Custom Columns.
Sequential Labels on an area measurement?
I am doing window and door takeoffs, basically placing a bunch of rectangular area measurements and then manually labeling each one, "W101, W102, W 103" I can't understand why there is no way to make this automatic. I have played around with the custom formula columns but I havent been able to make anything work so far.…