I would like to know which is the best application to use these two options in Revu? I would like to be able to look at a list of a room and just click on a link that brings me to the only spots needed for the room.
You can have multiple spaces with the same name. You might have a complete floorplan with spaces defined, and a second sheet with a portion of that floorplan with more detail that also has spaces. In this scenario you would have the same room on multiple sheets. If you name the rooms (Spaces) the same, then in the markup list you could find all the markups in the room, regardless of which sheet the markups were created on.
Places are great for something like a Detail, where you might have lots of different hyperlinks to the same place. You can create the Place once, and then create lots of hyperlinks that all jump to that location. And if you ever need to change the location, you can update the Place once, and all the links are automatically updated.
Spaces are best used for when you want to associate something like room name/number with a markup. If you use spaces, then you could for instance in the markup list filter down to see the markups for a particular room.
Mr. Peter,
Thank you for your input. Now, I would like to know if I could have one space on multiple sheets? Could you point me to a direction to make this happen?