Do I need to remove my name from Studio session and join again in order to change my display name?
I ran into this issue while using Studio as part of a project: I needed to change my display name. I updated my account on per instruction but the change was not reflected on the studio as needed. After several consultation our IT support found this message with Bluebeam troubleshooting site.
"When you update your Studio display name, it only applies to future Sessions/Projects you create or join. The display name in current or past Sessions/Projects can't be altered."
So, my question to this community or Bluebeam support is: Do I need to be deleted from a Studio session and join again in order to change my display name in an existing studio session? Would that solve the issue of updating the name for an existing studio.
Thank you
Best Answer
@Lideana Laboy I would not recommend being deleted. This would be accomplished by denying access and you would not be allowed back into the session. You could make a new Bluebeam ID or depending on what you are trying to accomplish you may achieve the desired effect by changing your status.
Here I have my display name.
I can create a customized status
and use that to add some information about who I am and what to expect from me.
@Glynis D. I will try this option. Thank you for this information.
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