Bluebeam learning.......
How easy is to learn Bluebeam, how long would it take to learn the basics and be able to perform common tasks?
What's the benefit of handling this software?
Bluebeam is easy to learn the basics and the more powerful tools are not hard to learn either, but they do need to be used frequently to remember them. But that's true of any software.
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Thanks a lot!
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Hi @Gheorghe,
If you're looking to learn Bluebeam, check out
!Happy learning!
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I am also a new user, I would say I learned the basics in a few days and even memorized some keyboard shortcuts. Now that I have been using it for about a month, I am starting to learn more in depth uses and trying to find better quicker ways to complete my tasks.
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It is quite easy to learn. If you are using it frequently, it will take one week to 10 days to learn the basics.
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Hey @Gheorghe and others on this thread - I have a recent update from Bluebeam University, which will definitely speed up your learning:
We just released a new suite of courses on BBU called Start Using Bluebeam - it's split up by role, so you can learn features quickly based on your role in the industry.
And we're always looking for feedback, so please feel free to reach out if you would like to see a specific kind of course or video from us!
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