Roundup in Custom Columns

I am currently using a rounding feature to get my width and height to 1/16 precision, however i want to build on that rounded width with a block width.

This would need to "roundup or ceiling" function from my rounded variable to the next even inch.

Example (24.625 = 26.000) or (23.625 = 24.000)

roundup is not a valid token, and i am not sure if there is some way to tweak the existing tokens in a way to allow this.

Any help is appreciated…


  • Peter Noyes
    Peter Noyes Posts: 42
    edited September 18

    This is possible with a formula column. In this example, it is using the ceiling function on the Measurement property so that you have a new column that is the Measurement value rounded up.

  • I'm not familiar with custom columns so I'm just spit-balling here.

    In excel you would use EVEN(value). Is there somewhere to try this in your workflow?

  • Peter,

    I tried this but it did not work for me. I am trying to get the width rounded in a new column that is rounded up to the next even inch.

    Here is a picture of my current formula that get's me rounded to 1/16 of an inch.

  • @Bluebeam_J3d1 what if you replaced "round" with "even"?

  • Even is an invalid token???

  • If you do ceiling(Width), that should get it rounded up to the nearest inch

    ceiling(10.3) would be 11

    round (10.3) would be 10

    floor(10.3) would be 10

  • They are trying to get it to roundup to the nearest even number - 8, 10, 12, etc.

  • Yes that is how they get block sizing for the glass industry.

  • Ahh… sorry I misunderstood that! To round up to the nearest EVEN number, do the following:

    ceiling(Width * 0.5) * 2