Ability to Move Navigation Bar to Top

My current endeavor is to prove to management at my company that swapping to Bluebeam Revu from Adobe would be a big improvement across the board. The problem is we have over 2,000 employees, we use the adobe online review feature (so all users would need to swap to Revu studio sessions) and It's difficult to prove benefits of Revu over Adobe to people that don't know my job.
One of the BIG ways I have been able to make progress convincing them is that Bluebeam has all functionalities of Adobe and more, all while being able to function & look more or less the same. Being able to guarantee a seamless transition for users is a big win.
For the most part I have found ways to customize and set this up in a way that all users would be able to open Revu and find just about everything like they normally would in Adobe. We have arrived at the one roadblock I have found so far:
Adobe has page navigation at the top of the interface. Revu has it on the bottom. It's not a massive problem for me personally, but anything I can find out to make the transition have less friction is a big deal.
Now I may just be a novice, but I have not found three dots, a hamburger or anything that allows me to move the navigation bar to the top of the screen. This leads me to believe it's not currently an option to move the nav bar to the top of the interface. Is there a work around? Does this feature already exist?
Please let me know!
(Screenshot attached for visual aid)
Here's the easiest way I know of…
Right-Click in the top menu area and select "Customize…" from the pulldown menu.
1) Add a new toolbar and name it (I chose toolbar top)
2) Select the Navigation category
3) Add each tool you want to include.Note that when I did this, the page number disappeared from the bottom navigation. Weird.
3 -
Thanks for the idea!
This is a solid work around. In the Adobe interface, Page Navigation is below file names, but at least the custom toolbar idea puts it in the right area.
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