Remove multiple projects from list

Is there a way to remove multiple projects from list instead of clicking one by one and choose "remove from list" option? Tried reset Bluebeam but the list did not get reset
As review agency, our project list can get long pretty soon, and we need to clean it periodically to be able to find the project needed easily. But clicking one by one is very time consuming. Any help?
I can imagine. It would probably also be helpful to have a search feature and a favorites tab. I can picture you "favoriting" a session you're currently reviewing and unfavoriting it once done. Then you can favorite it again once backcheck is scheduled.
I'm guessing you don't get to remove from list immediately after you sign-off on the project. How long afterwards do you still need regular access to the session?
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Thank you @ Luke.
Your guessing is right. We do not remove immediately after sign-off. Different team members have different involvement. The admin team and supervisor will not need to keep them long in their lists, but reviewers do need. Search and favoriting are all helpful. There should be still a way to delete multiple projects together.
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