Bug? Bluebeam Hijacks my Windows File Explorer Window
While I'm opening PDF's with Blue Beam, when I attempt to return to my Windows File Explorer window by selecting it on my Taskbar, the window will not appear. This forces me to minimize BB before I can see my File Explorer window again.
This is a minor bug but it's quite annoying.
This happens to me too. And not just windows folders but browser windows or anything really.
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HI @Nesbitt Contracting - If this is a bug, the best place for you to go is to a submit a ticket through our support site so our tech support team can be made aware of the issue. Please do so here:
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@Nesbitt Contracting I have this issue sometimes as well, and it's been that way for years. The easiest solution is to press 'alt.' This will bring up the file explorer over Bluebeam Revu.
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I'm requesting that Bluebeam repairs the bug where Bluebeam doesn't let the user open Windows Explorer. This happens occasionally, but is annoying when it does, and I know of at least 2 coworkers it has affected as well. I'll open a pdf, be working in it, then try to open windows explorer (usually it's already open, I'm just trying to switch to it), but my screen stays stuck on Bluebeam. The only way I'm able to get out of it is by pressing "Alt" or "Alt"+"Tab."
This has been going on for a couple years at least, and I just thought to post this idea as I started a new job and came across the issue again today.
Another user made a post about it here:
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When this happens, i minimize Bluebeam to reveal the window hidden behind it. Don't know why BB acts like it's set to always be on top.
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I have had this problem for years on all of my machines. It is infuriating.
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Merged these two posts to reflect an accurate vote count.
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There is a toggle for "Always on Top". CTRL+F12. Possible that somehow (no idea how) that got enabled to be on?
Ken Phelps
Sr. Product Specialist, USCAD
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@Ken Phelps if it was more consistent, I'd be inclined to agree. Unfortunately, it's so random that it hasn't even been worth the trouble to report.
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Is there a chance you are accidentally hitting Ctrl+F12 which makes the Revu window always appear on top? Having this on would cause the behavior you are all describing.
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I know this is in the wrong section, but I have experienced this too, pretty often.
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Agreed! Happens to me quite often and has been happening for many releases. Please fix this bug.
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@Nesbitt Contracting, @Brigid Kelly, @Steven Bunker, @Iharned, @Chad Gamble
Are you still experiencing issues after making sure the "Always On Top" option is uncheck in the screenshot shown above from @Peter Noyes?
You can always try the workaround below as well.
Change the Windows launch settings in Folder Options:
- Open File Explorer Options:
- Press Windows Key + S and enter file explorer options. Select File Explorer Options from the list of results.
- Now navigate to the View tab and check Launch folder windows in a separate process. Click Apply and OK to save changes.
Hope this helps!
0 - Open File Explorer Options:
The problem is not with "Always On Top." I just tried it and that's a different behavior.
I just checked the launch folder in separate process option and I'll see how it works and let you know.
By the way I have noticed the bug behavior is a little different now. Before, Bluebeam would prevent the File Explorer window from coming back into focus and the only two ways to fix it were 1) Alt+Tab and click the File Explorer window in the pop-up or 2) Minimize all windows until you found the File Explorer Window.
Now, I have noticed that, after clicking File Explorer in the Start Bar, if the window does not come to focus, pressing the "Alt" key only will bring it into focus.
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@Marco M - Yes, I have tried the solutions above and still no change. The bug replicated again tonight when I opened a .pdf from Outlook, but Bluebeam never showed up on my Taskbar. I used Alt+Tab to see that Bluebeam was open and was able to switch to it. I also get Bluebeam forcing itself to stay on top of other tasks like Windows Explorer. Frustrating….
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I don't think anyone has mentioned this yet but what version of Windows is everyone using? I'm currently on Win11 and haven't had this issue but I didn't see it very often while still on Win10 so that doesn't mean anything for certain.
I'm just wondering if a specific combination of Revu and Windows versions created a conflict.
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Good news on this one! This will be addressed in the next version of Revu which will be 21.4.
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FYI, the "launch folder in separate process" option did not fix it.
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I am optimistic that the 21.4 release will resolve this longstanding issue. However, I am surprised to see that the Bluebeam development staff and support teams appear to lack familiarity with this problem, despite its prevalence among power users who encounter it daily.
For clarity, the core issue involves the Bluebeam application forcing itself to maintain focus as the topmost active task, overriding other tacks/processes in operation. Support personnel should know this behavior disrupts workflow and adds frustration because it does not occur consistently. In some cases, the program may function seamlessly without issue for hours, while at other times, the issue manifests repeatedly.
The inconsistency makes it challenging to identify the root cause. Its also frustrating that the support staff provides solutions that fail to address the problem because the issue is not understood by the support staff. I'm hopeful latest release introduces a robust fix.
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