How do you use Bluebeam for Design-Build with CM and GC?
This is a very open question. But I will try to give some ideas on how I work with my clients:
1. Value management meetings: There could be some locally different names, so let's call these "meetings to reduce the cost of materials, reduce construction time, and ensure buildability." Use Studio Sessions for Live online Collaboration with all the stakeholders in the project to bring these ideas to one live space.
2. Shop drawing reviews. All the drawings must be approved by the project stakeholders before they are built. Again, Studio Sessions saves time on complex drawings and drawing packages with many, many drawings.
3. Recording As-Built drawings, as the design intent and actual build changes on site, record this on drawings in Studio Projets or via your DMS/CDE and access that through Sets.1 -
We want try doing a Session through the design deliverables like SD, DD, CD. The Client wants the ability to hide their comments internally in the session between each other if they can, but see everyone else’s.
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@Russell Padilla that sounds tricky. It would be a cool feature but in the mean time, The Client may need to markup a local copy and transfer their markups when ready to share.
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Luke makes a goos point. As far as Export Markup there is a clever workflow to use Layers with “Dont Export” ticked so the Export Markup feature will only share what they want to share.
one step futher, build a ToolSet with this Layer to not share imbedded so the process is more automated.Oh and Complete has Bulk Export for bigger projects.
Good luck.
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