bluebeam login not appearing
Having Issues surrounding logging into BB Revu. When starting the app, it attempts to connect to a server for login credentials, but never makes it. A country choice dropdown is available, but that is it. It continues to hang no matter what sum of waiting. If I escape (X) from the login, it brings up two blank API message dialogs. When 'X'ing out of those, it gets to running the app, but it gets me to an unassigned version.
It is possible that the Community here has had this issue, but anytime you have issues like this, go to the source and ask the software company. Have you raised a ticket with Bluebeam technical support?
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I didn't locate it in the community, and I have submitted a support ticket to see if something will come from that.
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I was poking around for something else and came across this in the preferences settings. Maybe it would help.
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