Mac Support
I'm not too in touch with Windows on ARM, but I'm very in touch with needing a valuable pdf editing/markup solution for MacOS. I recently gave up with my outdated Bluebeam 2.0 Mac software as my other software needs required that i upgrade from Catalina. I've tried many different types of mac based pdf software and none have the capabilities of even the MacOS 2.0 Bluebeam. I resorted to using Windows Bluebeam w/ Parallels… which, more or less works, but is not ideal. Nemetschek Group owns Bluebeam now and their Vectorworks software is developed for both platforms (windows and mac), why can't they put a little effort into Bluebeam for Mac again?
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I agree. I don't understand how both Vectorworks and ArchiCad can run on both MacOS and Windows, with agnostic file formats, but Nemetschek is okay with abandoning mac users when it comes to Bluebeam. How hard could it be to create a mac silicon version? Mac-only users using Vectorworks Spotlight and Landmark are a big missed opportunity. Bluebeam Revu is the only reason I have Parallels. It does run okay on M2, M3 chips with Windows 11 ARM. But, I agree, it is far from ideal. PDF Expert has recently added being able to set scale, measure distances and calculate perimeters and areas and runs natively on MacOS. I turn to PDF Expert for quick mark-ups now when I don't have a need for Bluebeam's more extensive features and tools.
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I am adding my voice to those asking for a new Mac Apple Silicon version of Revu. I use Archicad professionally and deal with PDFs daily. I currently use a lot of tools (PDF Expert, Acrobat, Preview, others). I especially hate what Adobe has done to Acrobat and would become a Bluebeam customer in an instant if a native version was available for Mac. Thanks.
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Honestly, the fact that Bluebeam refuses to respond to the needs of Mac users is sad. "We're working for a solution to ARM support for Windows," completely refused to address the bigger issue of not having Mac Support outright. I'd even take a browser version, or an iPad App that's actually updated with universal platform support. All they need to do is update the iPad App and Mac ARM users can run that instead…..
Agree though on needing Bluebeam ARM support for Windows. Parallels does okay but the app isn't native and still uses a lot of resources.
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Is Bluebeam Revu available for a Mac computer with the full features and capabilities? The tools in Bluebeam Cloud are limited, and I'd like to have the same features / tools / capabilities that are in Revu.
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@Darah The way to get the full features and capabilities of Revu for PC on the Mac would be to run it on an emulator. Boot camp is an option if you still have an Intel processor, but if you have the newer Apple Silicon you would want something like Parallels.
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I was told they are abandoning the cloud and are moving to Studio Sessions which seems to have even less features than the cloud! It seems like Bluebeam is not really interested in serving the Mac community. I use Bluebeam exclusively for drawing review and I need to open several drawings simultaneously so I can check between drawings; I can't do that in Studio Sessions. To do that in the cloud I had to open multiple sessions which was not ideal either. And I don't won't to run an Emulator.
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Hi @Bob Caine,
Thank you for your feedback and for sharing your concerns.
Bluebeam Cloud is here to stay. While we are retiring the Cloud Projects feature, including punch and field tools, Bluebeam Cloud is not going away. Our web and mobile solutions will continue to be enhanced to provide value to users without Revu, ensuring they can easily access and work with their drawings.
We appreciate your candid feedback and value your business. Please feel free to reach out with any other concerns or questions.
Shawn Dawson
Product Manager1 -
If a Mac version will come back. I'll become a customer.
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I'll add my voice here. I am successful on my Apple silicon Macbook Air using Parallels on W11 but really miss being able to run Revu natively on a Mac. I only use my MBA for travel, I had to buy a separate Windows computer and monitors for Revu when the Mac version stopped being supported. I'd always prefer to work on my Mac.
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I would like to add to the sentiment of the group, but on behalf of 32 total users in a professional environment. We also use Archicad, and just recently switched to Revu since Acrobat was no longer meeting our needs to handle complex and large PDF files. We only have Parallels on Mac to run Bluebeam. The main reason I'm posting is because I have reached a dead end with tech support - all because we are working in an "unsupported environment". It seems this environment is a product of Bluebeam's decision to not support Mac. We are at a fork in the road now: continue with Revu and be frustrated with usability issues, or find another software.
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I completely share the frustration of not having a native Mac version of Revu. Every time I reach out to Bluebeam, I’m told that Cloud or virtualization is the solution. But it really isn’t.
The current alternatives are clunky, slow, and lack the features and user-friendliness we need. It’s clear the support team hasn’t tried using virtualization themselves, or they’d understand the limitations.
Bluebeam had a functional Mac version before discontinuing it, and many of us still want that option. It would mean a lot to hear an honest acknowledgment from Bluebeam—something like, "We understand that some users prefer a native Mac version, but it’s not in our current roadmap. However, we will share your feedback with our team."
Brushing off our concerns while saying you "appreciate" and "value" our feedback feels dismissive. As long-time supporters, we just want to feel supported in return.
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Shawn, why do you offer Bob to reach out with his concerns at the end of your message?
He did exactly that, told you about the difficulties of not have a native Mac version, and you just brushed his concerns aside.
I am myself experiencing the same frustration with not having a Native Mac Revu and each time I email Bluebeam about it I'm told Cloud or Virtualisation solves my problem. It doesn't. Have you actually tried it yourself. If not, don't say it does. It doesn't! And let me repeat, it doesn't!
Those solutions are clunky, slow, lacks features and not user friendly. You wouldn't want to put your enemy through the pain of using Revu that way.
Bluebeam had a perfectly functional Mac version of the software which it discontinued. So please have the respect to acknowledge your users experience and say 'sorry, we understand you may prefer a Native version on Mac, but it is not part out our roadmap. We will however reflect your comments to management'
Brushing aside our comment and then telling us you 'appreciate' and 'value' our feedback is just a slap in the face. Hope you understand where I am coming from.0 -
Hi @Amorphous-Julian,
I realize I fumbled by not addressing the macOS question. Unfortunately, we won’t be continuing support for macOS in the future. Our current focus is on our PC Revu users and expanding access and tools for web and mobile users, particularly for those without Revu.
I understand web and mobile may not yet meet all your needs, and our goal through the Bluebeam Community is to hear where we’re falling short in supporting your workflows. Right now, our priority is ensuring access to files, Studio, and markups from any device, with more improvements on the way.
Your feedback is invaluable as we continue to enhance our tools.
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@Amorphous-Julian Wong THanks for your comments - I agree 100%. FWIW! I hope "the team" reads and takes our comments seriously.
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Hey @Squidknox
We’ve hit a bit of a roadblock here! It looks like we’ll have to stick with the Mac Version 1.9.3 in 'Trial Mode' since purchasing a full license isn’t an option anymore.
We've even tried pleading our case and are ready to pay, but unfortunately, Bluebeam seems determined to deny our office the joy of using a fully-functional native Mac app. It’s just plain absurd!
Has anyone else faced this issue? Any suggestions on how to navigate this frustrating situation?
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Thanks @Shawn
I think the issue is clear: we’re not asking for ongoing support for macOS. Support implies that we’d expect updates and assistance, but that’s not our request. We simply want the option to purchase Version 1.9.3, which still functions effectively.So please, instead of citing the lack of support, just allow us to buy the software. It feels frustrating to be denied this straightforward solution.
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Let me share a story that reflects our situation. Imagine a vibrant community of artists who rely on a local art supply store for their essential materials. For years, this store provided everything they needed to create their masterpieces, and the artists were more than willing to pay for those supplies.
One day, the store owner decides to stop stocking these vital materials, claiming a shift in focus toward digital tools. When the artists express their frustrations, the owner simply replies, “We’ve made our decision.”
This decision disregards the artists’ needs and sacrifices a valuable revenue stream for the store, all without any financial risk or effort on the owner’s part. By alienating the very community that supported the store, the owner misses a chance to thrive.
I feel like those artists right now, as part of the Mac community. We want to support your company by purchasing the 1.9.3 license, which still meets our needs. Denying us this option not only undermines our ability to work effectively but also risks losing goodwill among loyal users.
I urge you to reconsider this approach and recognize the potential benefits of supporting your Mac users.
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I have the licensed version of 1.9.3 and it probably isn't any more functional than your trial version, it's very limited and frustrating to use, imo.
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I echo @Amorphous-Julian Wong 's well thought-out and well-presented comments. I have the full version of 1.9.3 already but was so disappointed when the Mac version development was discontinued. I've also joined in this thread, where various users lament the end of the Mac version's development.
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I've combined the different Mac support requests/feedback posts into one for easier navigation.
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There are several Directors at Denver Water that currently use MacBooks. They are unable to participate in Studio Sessions or edit PDFs since the software has been discontinued for Apple. Adobe Acrobat is also being discontinued. Is an alternative option being considered? Will it ever be developed again? Does anyone have any suggestions? Thank you.
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Have they tried Bluebeam Cloud? Limited markup ability but better than nothing. Does it work with Macs?
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I have to suggest using Parallels on your Macbooks - and running Revu that way. I don't use Studio but Revu works very well on my Macbook Air using Parallels.
I'd MUCH rather have a native Mac version, don't get me wrong. Good luck!
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New Mac user as of Nov 2024, but have been using BB for over 10years - now come to find out I can't use with a MacBook? Extremely frustrating!! Tried the online cloud version and that's a joke!! I need ability to mark up and sketch on top of pdfs as an architect. Again as others have stated, would be willing to purchase software, but nothing available.
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I know I am repeating myself, but Revu 21 via Parallels works great on my Macbook. I will continue to hope for a full-featured Mac version though!
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There is a BLUEBEAM STAFF comment in this thread
The future of Revu for iOS — Bluebeam Community
…confirming Revu for iOS sunsets in 2025…
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Our company has been using PCs for decades, but the writing is on the wall. The latest MacBook Pro M4 laptops are just a better all-around offering and x86 will not catchup anytime soon (5+ years). I think you will see more and more engineering and technical companies realize this soon, particularly if they are doing graphical work. We can operate everything in our organization on MacOS with one glaring exception, Bluebeam Revu. Please prioritize MacOS before some other upstart software company does. BTW, not the cloud garbage (ask Adobe how that is going), I am talking full feature Bluebeam. We will happily be a beta tester.
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I was a beta tester for earlier versions of Revu for Mac. I echo Sam's comments above and would also happily be a beta tester for furture Mac versious!
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