Highlighter Tool

If this preference isn't already available, i would like an option to have the highlighter tool simply as a free form tool, and not one that automatically attached itself to text.
@Rob7603 The highlighter tool can be used freehand if there is no text underneath. You can also override text mode and draw free-form highlights over a text area by holding CTRL while you click and drag.
Hope that helps! We also have a lesson on essential markup tools in Bluebeam University if you're interested in learning more about the different ways you can use markup tools in Revu. There's a video that specifically goes over the highlight tool and the different ways you can use it in the lesson "Essential Markup Tools" in our Revu Essentials course.
@Luke Shiras I like your answer too!
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Holding Ctrl as suggested will temporarily override the text highlighting, and there is a Preference setting you can disable to completely turn this off.
Go into Revu's Preferences (Ctrl+K), select Windows on the left, then on the Tablet tab, un-check "Enable Text Highlighting" and click OK.
With this disabled it will no longer recognize and try to select the text in PDFs when highlighting. You can also hold the shift key while drawing a free-hand highlight to draw a straight line.
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