Removal of grid lines
This will most likely be an easy question for most of you.
When I am creating a drawing, I open new pdf and select a grid type from the STYLE: drop down box.
Once I have completed the drawing, I would like to remove the blue grid lines from my drawing.
When I print the sheet, there are no grid lines, when I send as a PDF and open in a different program, the grid lines are still there.
Is it possible to remove these lines?
Best Answer
Hi Adrian, yeah, you can do that.
Use the Colour Processing option to remove the light blue to nothing (or white the Snaps should still work).
If you have to do this often, I would look at creating a Script (in the Complete version) and then making it into a Button or Short Cut Key. I have not tried the Script option. There is an example, but it has not specifically changed from light blue to nothing (or another colour).4
Excellent, thanks for your help
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