Slicer for Layers
Since I have been playing around with saving Layer configurations, do you have a slicer function like EXCEL? Meaning, a quick button to select which Layer configuration you want?
If you don't know what a slicer is, here is a quick YT video, it's already at the TS where it begins to show you what a slicer is
I choose not to share my pronouns because I do not subscribe to that ideology.
"We live in a time where intelligent people are being silenced so that stupid people won’t be offended"
"Seems criminals and bad actors have more rights than law-abiding citizens."
I love myself an Excel Slicer!
Have you turned on Layers in the Markup List and then created and saved Filters to be your Slicer?
I think that this is the answer you are wanting.Let me know how you go!
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Thanks Shanoc, thanks, but I do it the other way around. I save the LAYERs setup instead. However, your method or mine still doesn't give me a button to use as a slicer. I want just want buttons to push.
I choose not to share my pronouns because I do not subscribe to that ideology.
"We live in a time where intelligent people are being silenced so that stupid people won’t be offended"
"Seems criminals and bad actors have more rights than law-abiding citizens."
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I have a template saved that has all my layers preset and open that up first to have all my layers ready.
For a slicer… you could pull the Layers off to be a floating tab. Could function as a slicer, not the exact same but could help you.
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