Search Text with Regular Expressions

Revu's text searching is excellent. My workflow involves lots and lots of it. The ability to use regular expressions would be a massive timesaver.

5 votes

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  • AScott
    AScott Posts: 1

    I agree. For instance, being able to search a plan set for "note" and not "notes" would be nice ("note[^s]"). This is useful for finding instances of "SEE NOTE XX" but also avoiding the "NOTES:" block on every sheet.

  • Luke Shiras
    Luke Shiras Posts: 419

    I haven't tried this in BB but when I've done this in other programs, search for "note " (with the trailing space). Doesn't BB have the option to find "exact match"?

  • Was this ever acknowledged or resolved?

  • Angela Aff
    Angela Aff Posts: 179

    Hi @aschectman! While we may not be able to respond to every product suggestion, I can promise you that we do see and track every piece of feedback! Keep 'em coming!