Option to not select locked markups
Often when marking things up I have a difficult time when background images and prior markups keep getting accidentally selected or moved when placing new markups on top.
Please add an option to not select locked markups. So when this option is active and a markup is locked, it will not be selectable by 1) mouse click, 2) lasso selection, 3) CTRL+A. Locked markups would still be selectable using the markups list.
This option could go under Preferences > Tools > Markup. It would be helpful to have a toggle for this option on the status bar.
Alternatively, allow the Layer > Lock option to have this behavior. So if you put markups on a layer and lock that layer, it would make all the things in that layer not selectable other than through the markups list.
Hi @Josh Gebelein,
Thank you so much for reaching out to us about an option to make locked markups unselectable, and we've taken note of your request. While we may not be able to accommodate every feature request, we greatly value knowing which features are important to you. Could you share anymore detail about how you are using Sessions? Any additional information you could offer would be much appreciated.
Please let us know if there’s anything else we can do or if you have any other questions. We look forward to collaborating in the future.
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This would be immensely helpful. At times we need to copy select markups from one drawing set to another. Select All often includes markups that are native to the original document (eg. text) that is locked and that we don't want to copy, but because we can't bulk unselect Locked items it becomes incredibly tedious to find and unselect them all so that we can transfer over the markups we need.
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