Adding a new item on Markuplist under a category. (like Match Properties) PLZ HELP

Adeeb Posts: 9
edited July 2024 in Peer Support

I have an URGENT query to be answered to a client by the end of the day.

The query is regarding the mark up list while taking quantity. Iam also attaching a screenshot, based on that example let me explain.

  1. I have few measurements of 60x60 and 30x30 duct which shows in the markup list. Later on if I need to ADD another new measurement to  60x60 duct it will come to as Length measurement.  I know that we can edit the name of length measurement in properties to 60x60 pipe where the new measurement directly come under 60x60 category in the markup list.    Is there any other way instead of changing name to the new measurement we can directly click and it comes under the 60x60 category . ( please check the attached image)   eg- If there are more entries to be added its difficult for the client to rename each entry to put in the 60x60 slot)


  • hey Adeeb, what I think you’re looking for is adding custom columns, and even better, is adding custom columns with a choice option.
    Let me explain, create a length measurement and add it to your tool chest and make sure the subject is “duct length.” Next is to create a new custom column in your markup list, but use a Choice column. Inside a choice column dialogue box, you can set the subject to equal “duct length” and the results are equal 60x60 and then create another choice for your 30x30 option.

    okay so once it’s set up you then use your length measurement from your toolset, and then when you place it on the PDF you can go to the custom column and then choose either 60x60 or 40x40.

    sorry that I don’t have a link to provide you, so look up custom columns in Bluebeam University, or at least google custom columns for Bluebeam.

  • Marco M
    Marco M Posts: 179

    Hi @Adeeb,

    I hope this information from @Shanoc Halliday helps with your question!

  • Adeeb
    Adeeb Posts: 9

    Hi Shanoc.

    Thanks for your quick and detailed reply. I really appreciate for that.. My client is trying to find something similar to match properties where he get the properties and subject name of the existing object to a new object while clicking . (like a pick and drop the properties) I found format painter, but hope its just for the markups.

    Hope you got my point..

    Thanks a lot

  • Ken Phelps
    Ken Phelps Posts: 26

    Hello @Adeeb ,

    Know I'm a little late to the discussion but this part of your initial post got me thinking:

    " Later on if I need to ADD another new measurement to  60x60 duct it will come to as Length measurement."

    What I would suggest is to take one of your existing measurements that has all the properties defined about it (subject, material type, etc.) and save that to your tool chest in whichever tool set you think makes sense. Then instead of using the common "Length" tool from the toolbar, use it form the Tool Chest and it will come in automatically with 60x60 subject.

    Do that same thing for each size you may have and you're building your library for repeated use and saving the time of having to edit the subject field to match a certain size. As you require more sizes you can add those to your library (tool chest) to build out new content for future use.

    As a side note, depending on how you add the measurement to your tool chest, you may need to double click it to toggle it into properties mode otherwise it can get saved exactly the same way the intial one was created. Making it flexible to be used anywhere. You can do this for all the various sizes or conditions of measurements you might need.

    Ken Phelps

    Sr. Product Specialist, USCAD

  • Adeeb
    Adeeb Posts: 9

    Hello @Ken Phelps

    Sorry for the late reply.. Thanks for your suggestions.