Send a message to all attendees of an open session.

Hi BB ,
I am trying to do a very simple task.
Send a message to all participants ( joined and not joined) on a BB session.
How can I do it?
Thank you
Can you use the "chat" box? On mine, it's at the bottom left corner of the screen when I have a session open.
Otherwise, you can right click on an attendee's name and select to send them an email. But it doesn't seem to allow you to select "all" or "multiple" attendees simultaneously. So, you'd have to send emails one by one, and I'm pretty sure that is not what you are wanting to do.
Also, it won't even let you do that individually with attendees that have not joined yet.
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HI thanks for your answer but I could not find the "chat" function. I am adding the screen shot of my screen. Can you tell me where is it ? ( I am the manager of the session by the way) .
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yes, thanks
However, this tool creates a PDF report. So, I need to open the PDF, copy and paste all the emails, and send the message using Outlook. This is insane! Also, the report doesn't add the people who haven't joined yet.
I cannot understand why the app does not include this essential function—emailing attendees!
But thank you anyway.
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