Is there a way to delete or clear all markups on a multi-page document?

Is there a way to delete or clear all markups on a multi-page document without individually deleting them by page? I have a 200+ page document with over 9,000 mark-ups and I want to delete all of the mark-ups within the entire document at one time. I am looking for a mass clear or delete option as going through and deleting them individually would be extremely time consuming.
Best Answer
What about CTRL + A while the cursor is over the Markups List?
I can select all markups across multiple pages.
I did do that but it is still painfully slow. I could not figure out how to "select all" so I still have to manually grab each markup in the list before I can batch delete them. Do you know if there is a way to select all mark-ups?
0 -
When I tested it (before commenting), I selected the top markup, held the Shift key, and selected the last markup, then hit the "Delete key".
Is this not working for you?
Are any of these someone else's markups?
Is this a Session?2 -
I can grab multiples by holding the shift key, it is just very slow going / lagging to scroll to the end of 9000 markups. This is the route I will take if there is not a "select all" available. I have multiple documents to do this with so I was hoping there was a select all or clear all button somewhere that I was missing.
These are someone else's mark-ups. 9000+ highlights all through the document that I don't need. I want to start clean.
This is not a session.
I appreciate the help. Thank you.1 -
Ryan, that worked! Thank you!
4 -
You can also click one markup, then just hit CTRL+A to select them all.
Ken Phelps
Sr. Product Specialist, USCAD
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