Allow Simultaneous Signatures in Studio

A very valuable tool to add to the Studio arsenal would be a platform for simultaneous signature. Signatures are a huge bottleneck in a project workflow, sometimes taking weeks to gather all necessary signatures due to "one-at-a-time" check in/check out requirements in Studio Project or even worse, routing via email etc.

If Bluebeam added a module or extension of a Studio Session or Project that allowed for simultaneous signing, this would be a huge benefit.

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  • Interested to see if this is possible for encryption of secure digital signatures.

    Might work with graphics only already, but the encryption is the roadblock for this to work on a simultaneous basis, like BBSessions, as I understand it.

    It is always a pain point. On the other hand, it becomes THE BEST real deadline - drop pencils PDFs to for each professional of record to get in, sign, and seal their work. We have found it best to give everyone a day or two max to apply their stamps, with strict understanding that it is NOT A CHECK set at that point. Dry run it until it works.
