Navigation Bar Page Number Width

Is there a way to reduce the width of the page number field? It seems to be wasted space. As a result of this field being so wide, the "Next Page" icon gets buried when my Bluebeam window is in a reduced/condensed view. It's a hassle and quite slow to click a "down triangle" and then hover over to the next page button to click through pages.

My work around currently is to turn-off other icons in the navigation bar, which is not ideal.

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  • Luke Shiras
    Luke Shiras Posts: 416

    Strangely, it's a fixed width. Even when I move it to the right navigation bar it hides the tools of the left and center navigation bars.

    It makes sense to be large when your pages have names, but even then, you may want it to be narrower. The sheet number would be enough for most of my navigation.

    Of all the tools in my navigation bars, the page name might be the least important since I typically use bookmarks and thumnbnails for navigating between pages.