Custom Column Choice Order

Did they remove the ability to organize customs columns by alphabetical order? There use to be a button you could press and it would do it for you automatically but it is gone now. If I press item it will organize it like before but it will not save it. Anyone having the same issue?
Just drag and drop them where you want them.
I may just not see what your issue is, but my columns sort automatically when i click the header. I'm not about to save those changes to my profile though, so that part I'm just taking your word for doesn't work. If not, you'll probably just have to drag them into place, right? That's not gonna be fun if you have a large number of custom columns, but it can be done that way.
BIM Coordinator - Columbus, OH
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Dragging works just fine, but sometimes those list can go pas 100. Having them sorted and saved with two clicks was much easier than dragging and dropping them individually.
Thanks for the reply.
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I totally understand what you mean. That would have been nice to have kept around.
BIM Coordinator - Columbus, OH
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I played around with it too. I thought maybe there was another way, but I can only see the drag and drop option too. Hopefully they bring that back.
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