Restrict Cursor to Specified Angles

When annotating a drawing, holding shift restricts the cursor to only 90° and 45° angles. It would be beneficial to add an option that allows the user to select other standard angle intervals, e.g. 5°, 15°, 22.5°, and 30°. For example, if I am marking up an isometric drawing, I could navigate to Preferences > Tools > Markup > [Restrict Cursor To]:, disable the checkbox for 45° and enable checkboxes for 15° and 30°, etc..

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  • bcostlow
    bcostlow Posts: 39

    That really could be a cool feature so long as they make it clear what increment you're at. I don't know about you, but I would struggle to look at a drawing and just know for sure when an angle is at 5 degrees compared to 10 if the reference isn't a horizontal or vertical line.

    BIM Coordinator - Columbus, OH