Path Array

Is there a way to do an array along a path in BB?
There’s plenty of videos online for an array – but here’s a quick one that I’m curious about:
CAD calls this a path-array. For my line of work, I would like to draw paths that align with the same path as a building that would be in the PDF or maybe one that I drew tracing a flattened PDF.
Currently the only "array" option is called multiply. Its directional options are right, left, up, and down.
The only alternative I can think of in Bluebeam is to create a custom line style, but I don't have enough experience with it to know if you could make something that would benefit that part of your job with that tool.
BIM Coordinator - Columbus, OH
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Using custom line types was suggested in the post below. Maybe @bcostlow's suggestion would work for you.
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Thank you for this! It is helpful, but not the same as the function I am looking for.
The array in CAD makes all control points exactly the same distance apart from the original.
I am drawing multiple parallel polylines and need them to have this function (this would be for several other of my team members and projects within my company, not just me.)
Please see the image I have shared for an example.
I faked this in BB by taking an image and pasting it — but for my projects, I need them to be polylines so that I can use the data that comes from them. I also would not want the font-text to get larger with the additional multiple lines. @Luke Barlow The option you supplied wouldn't work either as I need unique data from each of the polylines that are produced.1
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