Text disappears in text box

When I create a text box, the text shows up but as soon as I click away the text disappears. If I click the text box again the text shows.
Text box shows text:
Click away and it disappears:
I have tried reimporting/deleting the font but it does not resolve this issue.
Have you tried to change the text color in the Properties panel?
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@Jes Stafford That was my first thought but you can see from the first image the font color isn't the issue.
@Avery Fails can you show your settings sidebar for the text box.
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This is what it looks like. @Luke Shiras
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I'm curious about what happens when you change your font size to something smaller (12), deselect the text box, and then select it again. I assume the white area on your sidebar will show the text but will it also appear in the actual text box?
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Ditto @Luke Shiras . Flag raised for me is the document size indicated in the snip above. Test the text on a larger sheet and I bet it works.
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