Different Default Markup Settings

Is there a way to have different default markup settings? For example sometimes I am looking at 8.5x11 documents and other times I am looking at 30x42 drawings, so I often have to adjust my font sizes every time I switch between the two. Or sometimes I want my comments to be in blue while marking up a drawing set while other times I want them in red. Is there a way to create different "profiles" so I can easily switch between these? (I know this is different from the profiles function)
A couple of ways to skin this cat…
Each time you set your markup properties the way you want them, right click on them and select Add to Tool Chest. You can go crazy from there to customize your tools.
Then, SAVE YOUR PROFILE in the profile manager, top right Revu menu. If you want, you could also use Set as Default for the popular tools for each customization and save separate profiles for each way you want to use these sets of markups.
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Thanks for the response. While I see how this can work, as someone who uses keyboard commands for most of my operation using bluebeam. Is there a way to do it without the tool chest?
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I've run into this regarding Profiles and My Tools or markup defaults.
My tools are fantastic since they turn into having hotkeys (which I LOVE).
Having your default set to what you want them to be - fantastic!
However, as of right now, Profiles won't let you change some properties of markups between the different Profiles.Example:
In most cases, we want our default markups to be red (for "redlining")
However, I was trying to find a way (through Profiles) to set up a Construction Administration Profile where markups defaulted to green (architectural standard). But anytime I do this, it overrides my defaults in EVERY Profile.
💡It may be worth adding this request to the suggestion box for being able to truly have different default settings for tools indifferent Profiles 😉
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