Symbol Attributes

I have several symbols that I've created for use in a Tool Chest. Is it possible to give the symbols a drop down selection box which I can define?
i.e. Having a drop down menu to select if the symbol is a recessed device or a surface fix device.
Hi Stuart,
Would you like the drop down selection box visible in the markup on the page? If so, I can't think of a way to do this. Maybe you could add a text box to a Grouped markup with the symbol and type in the text box, so not ideal.
Otherwise, you can create a custom Choice column in the Markups List. This will give you a drop down list of custom information that you can assign to markups. This information will only be visible in the Markups List and not on the markup on the page (unless the markup is a measurement in Revu 21).
Maybe TMI… You can assign the custom column properties to the tool saved in the Tool Chest. Please note that if you want to use that custom column info when using that tool in other PDFs, you would need to import the custom column into those PDFs.
Matt Beaumont
Enterprise Customer Success Manager | Customer Success
Bluebeam, Inc.
Colorado | Remote
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