Correct Usage of 3d Space Mouse for Navigation of a 2D pdf.

I have a 3D Connexion space mouse that I have used for cad work, but I now spend most of my time going through 2D plans doing takeoffs. Instead of constantly scrolling to zoom in and zoom out, and dragging the pdf around with a mouse click, it would be very beneficial to be able to navigate the 2d pdf directly with the space mouse.
Model is 3DX-600047.
Technically, i can connect, and move the pdf with the space mouse, but there is no link between the two, so I cannot tell the mouse how to move the pdf, and the standard way it is set up is not functional at all.
Utilizing the buttons on my space mouse for short cuts would also be an incredible feature. Then i could (even more) keep my hands on the mouse and space mouse and be even more efficient.
For using the 3D Mouse with 2D Drawings it behaves as follows:
- Zooming in and Out = Pulling up / Pushing down
- Panning = Moving it up / down / left / right
It is sort of like using it in 3D without the rotational aspect.
I was just testing this out myself and it is working the way I expect. It is really meant to help navigate a single page of a PDF, not scroll through a number of pages.
Customizing buttons is a great suggestion!
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