Suggestions - Array function, custom fixtures/tool sets, and auto-save

I had a few features I wanted to suggest. I am hoping a developer can review these and leave some feedback.
First, an Array function. It would be really nice to have an array function for laying out things like light fixtures that we have created custom tool sets for. I do a lot of design-build jobs, and it gets annoying having to use the alignment tool to space things out as it isn't 100% all the time. An array function would help as it's something I am used to using on programs like AutoCAD or Revit without me actually having to use them. It would help Bluebeam be a little more of a one stop shop.
Regarding the custom fixtures/tool sets, with a count-based item there is no way for the custom symbol I made to auto-scale with the prints I am looking at. I can lay down 2'x4' fixtures, but they are not actually 2'x4' because they were made on a 1/4in scale print, but I need them used on an 1/8in scale print, but they'll be the same size as if they were on a 1/4in scale plan.
Lastly, I have asked for this before, but an auto-save function would be fantastic. Just yesterday I lost nearly 2 hours worth of takeoffs because I hadn't got to saving yet and my program crashed. Unfortunately, this time the recover feature was unable to bail me out.
Hi @MPilipchuk,
I updated your title to include the mentioned featured. I also moved your post into the Product Ideas & Feedback category for visibility.
In the future, I'd recommend posting separate suggestions for each feature. It would allow others to comment and vote on each one separately vs hoping everyone votes on all of it. 🙂
We also have a fairly large, ongoing feedback discussion regarding auto save here:
We appreciate the suggestions!
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@Marco M I appreciate you doing that for me, thank you.
Will keep that in mind for next time as well
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If you're needing equally spaced copies of a Markup object (including grouped objects), you can do equal spaces using the "Multiply" function. It's like "Offset" in AutoCAD, but you tell it the spacing and number of times you want it copied. I use it a lot when laying out joists and other equally spaced items.
It's a great feature, but I hope they expand the capability over time to make it more powerful. This feature was added pretty recently, within the last year, I think.
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