Auto Save

It would be helpful to have an autosave function for PDFs being used in Revu. Currently
this does not exist and would be very beneficial.

8 votes

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  • I have been saying this for years. Could not agree more. It is very easy to x out of your document accidentally or x out of all documents having not saved. Many hours of lost work because BB does not provide autosave. Why is this BlueBeam????

  • Alan A.
    Alan A. Posts: 48

    Hello @CGaudet & @elizabeth.adams,

    Thank you so much for reaching out to us about auto-save, and we've taken note of your request. Could you share more about how an auto-save feature would be beneficial to you?

    We do have a document recovery feature, that should allow you to restore file changes in the event of a crash. And if you were to close tabs accidentally, we should be displaying the dialog show below. Please let us know if there’s anything else we can do or if you have any other questions.

  • Autosave is a MUST. Sometimes I have documents open and my computer reboots for an update. The program hasn't "crashed" so the document is not included in document recovery. All work is lost. Also, even though there is a "save changes" prompt when closing, people make mistakes. When I have a large number of documents open, it's easy to miss one or two that need to be saved. I realize this is all human error on my part, however I can't help but curse Revu when I lose hours of markup work for not having an autosave feature.

  • Brent
    Brent Posts: 4
    edited August 6

    Agree, with auto save. I believe the auto recovery currently only works if using "studio" in the meantime use a auto save software like "auotsaver" easy to adjust how often it hits "CTRL S"

    @Sondra.Camis If you have a lot of docs open you can also periodically select the "save all" or "Shift F2" option to save all open files.

  • MattR
    MattR Posts: 1

    Bluebeam, is an Autosave feature in development for Revu or on the roadmap at least? We have end-users that lose work for the same reasons already cited above, and they are clamoring for this feature please. Thank you.

  • Yes please on the auto save (Many hours lost). In addition, it would be helpful if the mark-ups could auto save as well to a local drive (The .bax files).

  • Luke Shiras
    Luke Shiras Posts: 186

    Attn: @MPilipchuk you're not the only one asking for autosave.

  • @Luke Shiras I agree with these, there are times where you go to shutdown your computer and Bluebeam is in the background and that wipes all save data. @Alan A. It's nice that the pop-up shows up but the autosave would cover you for the times that there is a computer shut down where you forgot to save or an automatic update as others have mentioned.

  • The main reason why we don't support autosave the way it is being requested is that saving a file needs to reset the undo list. The experience would be that upon every save, undo would get cleared, so every 5min or so undo would appear to no longer work. This would be very annoying if you make a change right before autosave, and then do Ctrl+Z expecting the change to revert, and nothing happens because a save just took place. Any thoughts on this experience? Is it worth sacrificing undo so that files save automatically on some interval?

  • @Peter Noyes

    I can see that being a potential issue for some people. Instead of making autosave standard, maybe offer to have the option within the settings and have it specified that UNDOs may be deleted as the autosave cycles through.

    In my opinion I would rather the autosave over the undo functionality, typically if I undo something it is almost immediately after what I just did, I don't think I have had to undo more than 2-3 times in a row.

    But this is my experience, and everyone else's may vary

  • TFL
    TFL Posts: 1
    edited September 12

    @Peter Noyes

    I would look at how AutoCAD implements autosave files. It saves a backup file to a designated folder on your computer in addition to the original file with each autosave. You can then get the backup file when(not if) you need it. Maybe you could have the autosave to a backup file and not overwrite the original. Would that save the undo feature?

    Either way i would like the option to autosave somehow. I am sure it would have saved me 10s and 10s of hours of rework over the years. You can have the option to set the interval to 30 minute or an hour or a 7pm every day so it captures when you leave the computer for a long time. This world reduce the impact on the undo feature. MY main issue is files that have been open for hours and i get sidetracked somehow and don't get right back to it.

    i have also lost work to windows updates and closing a file by accident without saving.

    The lack of autosave is my one real issue with Bluebeam.
