21.4 Issues

We have 2 users the upgraded to this today. Now neither of them can print to Bluebeam.pdf(that option is no longer available) and Bluebeam is no longer integrated into their MS Word or Excel. However, Bluebeam works.
Very odd situation. Any ideas?
When they ran the install/upgrade did they have other programs closed? I had to rerun the installation because Outlook was open and the installer couldn't close it to finish. Also, they may have to restart their computers to finish the installation.
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Before the update I was able to print a black and white pdf which made all my red lines loose color and allowed me to make new red lines that stood out. I can no longer do that. The work around is to do the print in Adobe Acrobat. Please restore the functionality of the black white button.
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I have the same issue as Mike Hathaway. Unable to print to Bluebeam pdf and need a fix asap please.
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@Dmonihan2LWE Our Product team did do some work on that and added a "Print in Grayscale" option on the Options section of the Print dialog. Are you able to use that option to get your desired print?
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Print to Bluebeam as a pdf is no longer available why did they remove this feature?
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Hey @Mike Hathaway and @ggarrison, apologies for the delay as I looked into this. I had a few follow-up questions from engineering before we can diagnose this issue:
What version/year of Office are you on?
Is it 32-bit or 64?
Thank you!
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@Aily Roper thanks. Found the grayscale check box and confirmed it worked.
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Hello Everyone,
I've been using Bluebeam for 12+ yrs now. I am very dissatified with 21.4 update.
Has anyone else here noticed this update changed the functionality of how markups are selected and controlled. More specifically if there are multiple markups stacked, you now are required to hold the shift key in order to select the markup you want instead of just being able to select the markup that was closes to the top, or instead of being able to zoom in and select the markup you want to you now can't and it seems to select the largest markup in the space.
I have also noticed the snap to page content and markups is not working nearly as good as it did and will sometimes not snap to content that it did before the update.
Another item I am frustrated with is the measuring tool. it used to be I could read the measurement as I pulled it across the screen, but now the measurement reads at a size that is not legible by any means.
I would greatly appreciate it if someone could tell me how to revert back to the previous version because this 21.4 patch is costing my company money.
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Microsoft office 365, 64 bit. Here is a snip of what happens.
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Thanks for sending that over @ggarrison! I've passed on your problem to the Engineering team and they're looking into it, but they also suggest reaching out to Tech Support by submitting a ticket in case it's an issue with your environment. I hope this helps!
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I just updated to 21.4 on another machine, and it kept giving me an error during installation for the BB Print functionality. Now I can no longer print to Bluebeam, which is a MAJOR setback for our typical workflows.
This needs to be addressed ASAP.0 -
I figured out how to fix it on my machine. See steps in the linked post below.
https://community.bluebeam.com/bluebeam-community/discussion/4837/print-to-bluebeam-problem-resolved/p1?new=11 -
Hi @bwiginton, I'm sorry to hear you were experiencing an error when printing to Bluebeam and completely understand how frustrating that is when it's a disruption to your workflow. But, I'm happy to hear you did find a solution to your problem and appreciate your sharing it with the entire community. Just want to write here and say we hear you and appreciate you!
Chek out @bwiginton's post:
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@Angela Aff - No problem! I'm just glad it was an easy fix!
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@Stuart Donoghue : are you still experiencing issues?
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I ended up getting help from a Tech at Bluebeam.
They couldn't figure out what was causing the issue and even after we uninstalled 21.4 and reinstalled 21.3 the issues carried over that started from the 21.4 update.
The tech ended up taking control of my computer and had to do a complete reset to Bluebeam and then installed 21.3 again, which fixed it.
I'm going to stick with 21.3 for now due to the issues I ran into when doing the update plus I was not a fan of some of the changes made in 21.4.
Thank you for following up with me.
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