Enable delete function

We review quite some documents from a supplier.
If I send a document for review via Bluebeam, reviewers give their comment.
In the final meeting to discuss all the comments, sometimes a comment is rejected. In that case it would be great if I can delete the comment directly in the meeting, instead that I have to ask the reviewer to delete it, which isn't effective.
If I can delete a rejected comment I am able to send only the relevant comments to the supplier. Instead of sending the file and hope the supplier sees that a comment is rejected, which is a big risk for errors.
Now my work around is:
- Export the PDF document
- Open that PDF in Adobe
- Remove the rejected comments
- Save as
- Send it to the supplier
This work around cost quite some time. Enabling the delete function, would safe a lot of time.
The delete function must be only available for the person who sends out a document for review. It shouldn't be available for the reviewers.
This comes up all the time but until this feature gets added, I would suggest using Markup Status prior to uploading to Session. Just include a status option that is "rejected" or "no longer applies" and use filters to hide that status.
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