Spokane Bluebeam User Group (SpoBUG)

About SpoBUG

SpoBUG relaunched in 2024. Located in the heart of the Inland Northwest SpoBug serves all of Eastern Washington and North Idaho. With a broad range of businesses serving the local region there is a wide range of users beyond the typical construction-based users. SpoBUG aims to serve and learn from all it's members and make Bluebeam accessible for everyone.

Meet your local BUG leader!

Luke Shiras loves helping people get the most out of Bluebeam and connecting people with the resources they need. He is a licensed Architect (CA, WA, ID) with over 10 years of Bluebeam experience and over 20 years of experience in architecture.

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Owner: Angela AffLeaders: Angela Aff, Luke ShirasCreated on February 5, 202419 membersPrivacy: Private