Add overlays to Studio Project without saving and re-adding from File System

Hello Everyone, is there a simple way to add a BB-created document, such as an overlay, to a Studio Project without saving it first to the File System and then uploading it to the Studio Project?
I apologize if this has already been asked and answered. I tried searching before asking but didn't come up with anything.
Thank you
In my example, I have three Project files on screen. They are open in read-only mode, but not checked out. I can overlay them [Document → Overlay] at this point and get the Overlay* document that needs to be saved. However, it did not go back into my Project. I had to manually upload the Overlay.
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Thanks for the response @Ryan Arbuckle .
I've been doing the same thing. It is unnecessary extra steps and I don't need it outside of BB, so this is doubling up the storage, they can be modified outside of BB and have different versions, etc. I am hoping for an option to save it directly to the Studio Project without the workarounds.
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It would be nice to save a file directly to a Session but I wonder if this is more of a safeguard to prevent people from accidentally saving to a session.
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