Dynamic Forms
I have been tasked to create a PDF order form where a user would be able to select a geometric shape for a construction form. My ideal situation would be a dropdown form where different shapes are selectable and upon selection, a drawing of that shape would appear on the page with additional drop down options regarding dimensions to be selected. Another option would be if the selection of shape would open a new pre-built template page to be added below the first page document. Is this possible with Bluebeam? I understand forms but I am thinking my 'wants and desired' are a little too much than what is available to me. Let me know if you have any ideas.
An example is the user comes on the form and enters project information and selects a dropdown selection of shapes. Upon selection, that shape appears on the page with added demension fillable forms. There is an action button at the bottom of the form that added another order form to the document, as many as they need. There is an email button that would email the document to a person within our company…
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