Form Font causing issues to Check Box and Radio Buttons

Does anyone know how to fix or work around Bluebeam forms Radio Buttons and Check Boxes that show numbers instead of the desired symbols? i.e. Cross/checkmark for Check Boxes and not numbers when checked. Performing an online search and there did not seem to be a lot of helpful information out there other than to change the font of the Check Boxes and Radio Buttons.

The issue is I cannot directly change the font, if that is the cause, to another ASCII text format, in order to show the form symbols. One online source mentioned changing to the font, ZapfDingbats, which I can see is a font readily available on a Text Box form field via drop down. To reiterate, the issue seems to be not being able to change the font of a Check Box and Radio Button due to the font drop down being disabled; the reason for wanting to change the font is so the "checkmark" or "cross" symbols are used instead of the associated numbers when printing to hardcopy or digitally distributing to PDF viewers (Bluebeam and Adobe PDF viewers).

Below are my specifications for the Bluebeam software being used.

OS: Windows 11 Enterprise 64-bit

Software: Bluebeam Revu x64 Complete

Version: 21.3

Bluebeam Engine:


  • kclark
    kclark Posts: 2
    edited February 25

    I had this same problem. Couldn't ever figure out how to change the font as I was also restricted from editing that portion of the properties.

    I don't have a real answer for you, but I wound up able to cobble something together by copying from the templates here: