Best way to measure and label casework?
I'm new to Bluebeam…I LOVE it so far, but I'm looking for the best way to measure casework/cabinetry. Typically, for casework, I work in linear feet, but in Bluebeam I would like to markup the casework with either a rectangle or something like that. I don't want to use a rectangle then use a length measurement over the top because it looks like it lists them both on the markups list. I'm just wondering if there's a better way. Thanks for your help in advance.
Best Answer
@Jimmy Corrao, Welcome to Bluebeam! I would suggest that you stick to using the Length tool to display the measurements.
However, Bluebeam is extremely versatile, and you can use the "Area" Tool and change the caption to "width" and/or "Height" etc.
Note, the caption you choose will display under Comments:
@Shaya Birnbaum That makes sense and is a huge help! Thank you for the quick response!
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