Currently on Intel Based MacBook Pro and need to move to an M4 MacBook Pro
I currently have a 2015 MacBook Pro (Intel based) and run Revu via Parallels. Revu works well and I have no issues. I do not consider myself a power user by any means. Revu is typically utilized as a measurement tool and most other features within Revu are not utilized. However, the 2015 MacBook Pro has reached the end of ongoing OS support from Apple and I am now stuck on Monterey. It is time upgrade to a M4 based MacBook Pro which will mean that Revu will need to run on Parallels and reside in a Windows on ARM Enviroment. From reading other posts, even though it is not officially supported, it seems as though it work with minimal issues.
I have seen a post from Bluebeam Staff that confirm that Bluebeam support for Windows on ARM will be coming in the first half of 2025 which is great news, however my existing MacBook Pro really needs to be retired and I am not sure it will make it that long. I would be interested in hearing from members of the community that utilize Parallels on M based Macs and their advice. Would you go ahead and upgrade the laptop now or wait until Windows on ARM is supported by Bluebeam ?
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