Search for multiple keywords with one search

I want to search multiple keywords without doing multiple single word searches. Like if I am trying to find relevant electrical data in other trade documents, so I have to search "electric" "power" "light" "luminaire" "current" "circuit".

Adding Boolean search options would be a welcome feature in document searching, as it is with the markup list search feature.

10 votes

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  • I agree completely. I am currently searching through a 77 page document for certain words like "BAS", "Red Tag" and "AHU". I've been trying to use common ways of searching for multiple keyword combinations like adding a "+" between the words, but nothing worked. I actually jumped on the forums just now to see if there was a workaround or guide on how to achieve this.

  • Oh yes! Great idea and would save so much time searching!

  • JBarnes
    JBarnes Posts: 1

    I have the same needs, I have a list of call outs that I want to highlight on a text dense drawing (actually a list for each of about 50 drawings). I can search for the call outs individually or I can make a generalised search for the common text in all call outs then select the ones I want but the ability to use a Boolean search to highlight several at once would be a real labour saver