How can I extend multiple lines to another line? see screenshot
I am not a pro bluebeamer. Appreciate the help. As you can see above, I want to know if there is a way to extend the horizontal/vertical lines to the angled line all at once rather than clicking and extending one at a time. I use the multiply option to equally space the lines, then I have to individually extend them to the angled line. Thanks
I believe that you can select the line and grab the Blue Sizing handle and drag it which will enlarge the markup while keeping the angle the same.
Maybe I'm not understanding what your attempting to do…… maybe it will work for you.
If you want to do this to multiple markups you can Shift - Select, them all, and right click on any that are active and select "Group". Then move the sizing handle and it will change all of them.
Hope this helps.
James Schmidt
Industrial Estimator / PM / Professional DWG Interpreter & Spec. Analyst
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Sorry, maybe my explanation was not correct. Here is another example. I would want to trim all red lines that are outside along the blue angled line all at once, rather than clicking on each and extend/shorten it to the angled blue line. Similar to CAD, I can select all reds and trim it right at the blue angled line. Just wondering if Bluebeam had this feature. thank you
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Looks to me like the best thing you can do is to switch from the multiple lines approach to the HATCH (highlighted in properties sidebar) in POLYGON approach. Similar to hatch commands in CADD and BIM softwares, once you place a polygon to define a region where you want the pattern, select the pattern, select that region, and select grips (also highlighted) to control the boundary of that pattern.
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I agree with @Jes Stafford, you want to use the Hatch Pattern for this.
You can learn more about Hatch Patterns here:
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I understand the hatch. However, when doing a takeoff, I need the dimensions for the each line since it represents rebar. I have all information from Bluebeam transferred to excel. I guess there isn't a way (yet).
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Can you use a formula in a custom column to work out the length of bars instead of trying to draw them all? Something like, area divided by centres multiplied by 2 - assuming that the bars are at equal spacings both ways.
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