Legend to Excel
Hello, I want to be able to export the information from a legend easily to Excel.
I know you can export all the markups and work from there, but the legend has everything nicely summarized and I would like to manipulate the info more in Excel.
I tried the File > Export > Excel Workbook > Page Region … but it clumps it into a text box and when copy and pasting the info its all one cell.
Any ideas?
Try inserting some lines/rectangles around your legend data to make it clear that the info is in a table. I tried a quick example by writing some text then flattening it and exporting the region to excel…as you said everything was grouped in a single cell. Then I grouped a bunch of rectangles around the data, flattened, and exported the region again, this time it was set up in a table.
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Thanks, I am using the Legend that is being populated by a toolchest.
Example Legend below and excel region capture further below.
I thought maybe trying the Snapshot tool to capture the dynamic Legend to a static vector with the data copied in hard, and then exporting the region to excel but similar result, last snip below.3 -
This is when I wish we had emojis to "like" a post. 😮
Is that all one cell and is the "table" lines an image?
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I did what you said, took a screen shot of your table, pasted the image then flattened it, exported the region to excel and got the above results. I also tried it without flattening and it just exported an image of the table, so maybe try to make sure your image is flattened first.
Also, if you just flatten your legend before exporting to excel it works the same…so no need to take the screen shot, just right-click and select 'flatten'.
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Thank you so much everyone for your help on this question. To summarize the process for future reference:
- Create/populate Legend
- Right click on Legend => Flatten
- File => Export => Excel Workbook => Page Region
- Select a region to capture the Flattened Legend
- Save the Excel file
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