Sequential Numbers with use on all Custom Toolbox Icons
Posts: 4
in Peer Support
Is there a way that Bluebeam can set sequential numbers against all icons in a custom toolbox so that as each icon is placed, it is numbered? I know this can be done for each separate icon e.g. post icon can be placed and numbered 1-10 then when the second icon is used, the numbers start again from 1 however for our operations, we want the sequential numbering to continue for each icon that we place on the markup.
@APS : Would this work?
Have you tried editing The Sequence Dialog Box?
- Reset Sequence Per: Sets whether the Sequence will restart with each new Page or Document.
- Renumber when markups are deleted: When selected, a Sequence will automatically renumber when one is deleted. For example, if Sequence 3 is deleted, Sequence 4, 5 and 6 will automatically be renumbered 3, 4 and 5.
- The following images show how a Sequence is automatically renumbered.
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