Is there functionality in Bluebeam to send a message to the session host when.......
Is there functionality in Bluebeam to send a message to the session host when all invited parties are finished reviewing?
Hey Tim!
Not that I know of at the moment, I would leverage statuses in its place. That's the best I can think of at this time.
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That would be great. There are times when everyone is finished with days left on the clock. There is no way know the session is ahead of schedule unless you keep going back to check.
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Hey @bwhitlock & @Tim C - we do have alerts in Studio Sessions! You can check out how to use them here:
It's not exactly what you mentioned, but it's a great workaround and can help to achieve the same result by notifying the host!
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@Angela Aff , yes i was going to mention that as well but was trying to think about what they would put on the document to set an alert to.
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Just being able to easily identify who the session owner is would be a good start.
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