Disappearing Layers
Recently, I've been talking with support about an issue where the layers applied to my markups, disappear.
Screenshot examples are below. Not all my layers end up deleting, and up until now I thought they would when I pressed the save button, however, today was not the case.
In my examples, I'm showing how the area labelled "Siding Area 1" on layer "Siding 1" is retained, whereas all my other layers, are not. The other set of examples shows labelled "Siding Area 2" on layer "Siding 2" has disappeared.
All the other markups I've shown have layers attached to their attributes so I can modify through my workflow for efficiency.
I have a lot of speculative questions, but one is: could the use of retaining relative paths have anything to do with it in my tool options?
Has anyone experienced this before? I haven't been able to find any other related questions or discussions, yet.
I should also mention, after rebuilding my layers, I've attached what the markup list SHOULD look like…this is after re-inputting my layers from using my tools on the plans. Then selecting the respective markups and resetting the layers.
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Immediate update: just after resetting my layers, I've done absolutely nothing to the file, I pressed save and this is now my markup list….scrolled down to show the layers retained
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I also am experiencing this. I'm not sure why saving my markups to a .pdf would delete certain layers, but it does, and it is a production killer. Having to go back and reassign all the layers is an unforeseen time-suck that needs to be addressed somehow. It is seemingly random as to which layers delete and which are retained at this point but I will try to pay more attention in the future.
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