Cloud punch list photos
In the past, the cloud had the option for a little punchlist dot icon that I could place on the plan, and attach a photo and notes to that icon. With the new updates, that icon is no longer there, and I have to place images directly on the plan, which is not ideal. Especially in tight spaces with several markups, there is no clean way to attach a bunch of photos and comments on those photos. Is there a method I'm missing, or is that feature hopefully coming back in a future update?
So one trick I saw a contractor do, is to make the inserted photos very very tiny… In Bluebeam you just have to zoom in and see them. I found placing them within a Box draws attention to it.
Rick Kremer, Bluebeam Certified Instructor & Enthusiast on Everything Blue
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That is what I've been doing as well. It's a workaround, but not nearly as useful as the old punch tool. It's also a little difficult when trying to do that in the field with an iPad. I normally try to do that, then clean it up back on my computer. I can't stress how useful that tool was. My office has been discussing going back to something like Plangrid, just for this feature for punchlists.
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